About the Lindsay Leg Club Foundation
The Lindsay Leg Club Foundation (the Foundation) was established in December 2004 with the main objective of facilitating and managing the co-ordinated growth of the network of the Leg Clubs and to provide the Clubs with any information and support that they may require. The Foundation achieved charitable status in September 2005.
Individual Clubs are members of the central Foundation and operate according to the Lindsay LegClub Model. The model is set out in a practical Handbook which details how Clubs can be established and which defines the procedures, policies and standards that the Clubs must adhere to.
The Foundation operates a central website for Clubs, their members and other interested parties as well as issuing a quarterly newsletter and running a helpline to respond to operational and clinical enquiries. It also organises and runs leg ulcer national awareness campaigns.
Systematic demographic, clinical and financial audit via standard templates is a key feature of Leg Club practice. Protecting members' anonymity through a simple referencing system, the information is collated and analysed, and key measures and trends reported to the Foundation. The UK currently has no means of auditing standards of care, costs, infection or demographics in a sector that is estimated to cost the NHS £1 billion per year. It is intended that the Foundation will use the data collected at the Leg Clubs as a tool to:
Accurately assess the social cost of leg ulcers to sufferers and carers and the financial cost of leg ulcers to the NHS so that funding can be deployed as efficiently as possible.
Raise the priority of leg ulcer prevention and treatment within the health care community and NHS.
Analyse the effectiveness of different methods and approaches to treatment and feed the results back to members, carers, district nurses, GPs and the health care Industry in order to develop the service that patients receive. The Foundation recognises the benefits to patients and carers of innovation in the health care Industry and the need to share information and work with them where appropriate. A Code of Practice contained within the Handbook aims to establish clear and ethical rules of engagement between Leg Clubs and Industry.
Educate the public generally about how common leg ulcers are, how detrimental they can be to your quality of life and how they can be diagnosed, prevented and treated.
Ensure that staff involved in the Leg Clubs are trained to an excellent and efficient standard in wound management.
Ensure that care can be provided equally to patients regardless of condition, age, wealth, sex, race or geographical location.
The overriding objective of the Foundation is to protect and preserve health amongst those experiencing, or at risk of experiencing, leg ulcers and/or associated conditions.
Currently the Foundation is funded through corporate gift aid that is kindly being provided by some of the key companies within the health care Industry.
Leg Club the logo and text is protected by a Registered Trade Mark in the UK and Australia.
Approved by the Welsh Wound Innovation Centre
"It is my great privilege to be associated with the Lindsay Leg Club Foundation and to endorse the Foundation’s Learning Modules.
The material contained within the Modules will be of value to all clinicians. As with most e-learning formats, the individual slides or pages display highlights or key points.
I would encourage you to dig deeper into these conceptual “gems” and link the salient statements with their source reference, so that you benefit from the context and supporting data that accompanies them.
Enjoy the Modules as a starting point in your search for evidence and best practice. Your passion, skill and attitude of enquiry can only benefit those that you care for."
Best wishes from your colleague.
Gary Bain – The Wound Guy
Together We Make A Difference