Welcome to the Leg Club Learning ZoneWelcome to the Lindsay Leg Club education programme created by the Lindsay Leg Club Foundation and the Leg Club Industry Partners to provide a consistent educational programme for all Leg Club staff. This programme was designed to support both self-directed learning.
What is a Lindsay Leg Club?
It is a unique partnership between the district nursing team and the local community, in which patients are empowered, through a sense of ownership, to become stakeholders in their own treatment. Leg Clubs provide leg ulcer management in a social environment, where patients (members) are treated collectively and the emphasis is on social interaction, participation, empathy and peer support.Why an educational programme?We are providing this programme to ensure all Leg Clubs and Leg Club teams have access to the same, high quality educational support giving Leg Club teams the opportunity to access the programme content at their own pace and time. Utilising this programme will help Leg Clubs maintain excellent standards of care using evidence based practice in line with NMC code of practice. The programme is associated with a competency framework, demonstrate acquisition of knowledge and skills.To get started, click on the Module List link to see the range of modules available. Please note that these modules are for Leg Club teams only; to access a module you will first need to obtain a voucher code from your Leg Club administrator. We hope you enjoy your online education experience.
Every effort has been made to ensure the integrity of this material; however the authors and The Lindsay Leg Club Foundation are not responsible for any injury, loss or damage suffered in relation to the use misuse or non-use of the techniques or materials described herein not for any prosecutions or proceedings bought or instituted against any entity in relation to the techniques or materials described herein.